Brochure Schloss Neubeuern
Carlo Ribeca Headteacher
Jörg Schönfeld Head of Business & Administration
Jörg Müller Chair of the School Foundation Head of Boarding
It goes without saying that such state- of-the-art facilities are only as good as the pupils and teachers who use them. Working in close cooperation with the independent Schloss Neubeuern Scho- larship Fund, we constantly strive to increase the amount of funds available for scholarships, thus giving even more young people access to an outstanding Schloss Neubeuern education their par- ents would otherwise be unable to af- ford. I cordially invite you to see this magical place for yourself. You will feel welcome from the moment you arrive!
the targeted testing and fostering of in- dividual talents, the passing on of tra- ditions and values and guidance on the issue of responsibility. Our educational concept has been developed, modern- ized and refined over a period of deca- des, and it is our firm belief that it em- powers our pupils to realize their full potential and mature into responsible, successful adults.
Over a decade of intensive groundwork has paid off, and the school is now operat- ing at an even higher and more sustain- able level of quality than before. Not con- tent to rest on our laurels, we recently in- itiated an ambitious construction project that will result in the creation of a new Science Centre in which our pupils will also be able to carry out self-managed experiments and research. NATURWISSENSCHAFTLICHES ZENTRUM SCHLOSS NEUBEUERN
Jörg Müller
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